Apps Modules

The Octorooms module

Octorooms is a RezMela Composer module that lets you piece together octagonal and square components to quickly create buildings and complexes. This guide describes the different components available and how to use them.

Apps Guide Modules

The Square Rooms module

Square Rooms is a RezMela Composer module that lets you piece together square components to quickly build up buildings and complexes. This guide describes the different components available and how to use them. Because Square Rooms is a Composer module, you may want to consult the RezMela Composer user guide for more information on that. This guide…

Apps Guide

The Panocube

The Panocube (Panoramic cube) is a large RezMela App that projects Google Street View images around the user, giving an immersive and interactive experience wherever the Street View cameras have visited. You can purchase the Panocube from Kitely Market here. This is what the Panocube looks like from the outside: It is a nearly 43m…